Flora of Rajaji National Park

Flora rajaji national park

Rajaji National Park presents a rich and diverse forest ecosystem. A general survey of the forest reveals some important plant a associations such as the Shorea-Mallotus-Adina community, Shorea-Terminalia-Bridelia community, Dalbergia-Acacia community and Syzyguim-Phoebe-Drypetes community. The tropical forest ecosystems of the Park have many unique characteristics that have high scientific significance. Based on the physiognomy and floristic composition, the permanent vegetation of the Park may be classified broadly under the Northern Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests and can be grouped into the following six types:-

  1. Sal Forest
  2. Mixed Forest
  3. Riverine Forest
  4. Scrubland
  5. Grassland (savannah)
  6. Subtropical Pine Forest

Flora of Rajaji National Park gallery.

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